Turnaround Consultants Use Invoice Factoring to Speed Up Cash Flow

Instead of waiting for customers to pay, struggling businesses that factor invoices can reinvest in their organization more quickly, stabilize cash flow, and focus on activities that can help their business recover and grow.

Invoice factoring speeds up organizational cash flow by unlocking the working capital tied up in customer invoices, which is why many turnaround consultants recommend factoring to their clients. Instead of waiting for customers to pay, businesses that factor can get free same day funding of up to 90% of an invoice on the same day the invoice is generated.

Invoice factoring could be an ideal financing tool to use during a transitional period, allowing a business to create more consistent cash flow, pledging only accounts receivables as security interest. Expedited cash flow can enable a struggling business to:

  • More readily cover operating, payroll, and supplier obligations
  • Make installment payments
  • Negotiate supplier discounts
  • Protect or repair vendor relationships
  • Keep key suppliers on board
  • Protect the brand’s reputation with employees, customers and vendors

Get a free, no-obligation quote for invoice factoring services or other types of business financing. Factoring clients can go from approval to their first funding in hours and immediately speed up cash flow as part of a turnaround strategy.

Factoring Speeds Up Cash Flow for Distressed Companies


Request a quote online for more information about financing solutions.


Factor unpaid receivables on the same day they are generated to speed up cash flow.


Reinvest  more quickly to abate corporate financial distress or capitalize on opportunities.

Why is invoice factoring an effective tool for turnaround consultants?

Why Turnaround Consultants Choose to Work With Us

One of the top priorities in any turnaround strategy is stabilizing cash flow in order to give the business time to evaluate and cut costs, protect or repair vendor relations, and implement the next steps in the business turnaround plan.

We can help turnaround consultants get factoring agreements for clients that are tailored to the needs of distressed companies as part of a turnaround strategy. Not only do we offer low factoring fees and high advances, we let clients retain more control over concerns that impact their business, as part of factoring agreements with:

  • No long term contracts – use factoring as a stop gap, temporary or long term financing tool
  • No factoring minimums – factor only when it’s in the best interests of the business
  • Spot factoring and micro-factoring
  • Control expenses – low factoring fees starting at 5% (or less for higher balances/volume discounts) and fast funding
  • Speed up cash flow with factoring advances as high as 90%
  • Free credit checks on customers
  • No hidden fees to increase expenses — no application or due diligence fees
  • No additional encumbrances; our only security interest lies in receivables

Working with us doesn’t cost more, but our expertise and flexibility in offering both spot factoring and micro-factoring could make Corsa Finance an ideal financial partner for turnaround consultants.

Turnaround consultants list stabilizing cash flow as a top turnaround strategy for struggling businesses. Invoice factoring can speed up and stabilize cash flow by immediately unlocking the working capital that is tied up in customer invoices.

With an emphasis on freeing up working capital and reducing costs, our factoring services could play a key role in a business turnaround strategy.

Get more information about using invoice factoring as part of a turnaround strategy:

Working with us doesn’t cost more, but it can save clients time and money.

Benefits of Invoice Factoring for Turnaround Consultants

We know that turnaround consultants and their clients are paying attention to all expenses.

We help turnaround consultants get agreements for their clients where a low factoring fee is the all-in cost of receivables financing – with no hidden fees, due diligence, or application fees to drive up the real cost of factoring. Some of the key characteristics of our factoring services for distressed companies  include:

  • Fees as low as 1%
  • Fast funding – as little as 1 business day
  • High advance rates with low holdbacks
  • No upfront fees
  • No long-term contracts
  • No factoring minimums -you choose which invoices to factor
  • No add-on or hidden fees
  • No application or due diligence fees
  • Financing without taking on debt
  • Friendly, professional customer service

Instead of a one-size-fits-all service model, we work with clients to create a program that reflects the unique financial needs of their organizations. We want clients to be free to do what’s in the best interests of their business – our goal is to help them grow from where they are today to where they want to be tomorrow.