Vineyard and Winery Financing

Wine wholesalers, vineyards, and wineries factoring receivables can unlock the money tied up in unpaid customer receivables – without waiting for customers to pay.

Grow your business from where it is today to where you want to be tomorrow. We offer some of the best vineyard and winery financing options in the industry:

  • Fees as low as 1%
  • Fast funding – as little as 1 business day
  • High advance rates with low holdbacks
  • No upfront fees
  • No long-term contracts
  • No factoring minimums -you choose which invoices to factor
  • No add-on or hidden fees
  • No application or due diligence fees
  • Financing without taking on debt
  • Friendly, professional customer service

Get started today by requesting a free, no-obligation factoring proposal. Find out how factoring can give your winery, vineyard, or distribution business fast access to the working capital needed to grow.

Find out why invoice factoring is such a powerful wineries and vineyard financing tool.


Get a free, no-obligation proposal for vineyard and winery financing.


Go from approval to your first funding in as little as 1-2 business days — or even faster.


Expedite cash flow to give your winery more consistent working capital and growth financing.

Vineyard and Winery Financing Calculator

Speeding up cash flow to reinvest in growth more quickly is the most common reason wine wholesalers and wineries use invoice factoring.

How the Vineyard and Wineries Financing Process Works

When a winemaker, winery, or wine distributor sells to another business (such as a grocer, wine shop, retail or big box store, etc.), they create an invoice allowing their buyers to pay weeks (or even months) later.

Instead of waiting for a buyer to pay, they can factor the invoice and get an advance on the invoice amount. This advance could be as much as 90% of the invoice amount.

The cost of expediting cash flow by factoring invoices is known as a “factoring fee.” We offer factoring services to vineyards, wineries and beverage distributors with factoring fees as low as *5%.

Here’s how the process might work:

Day 1 Customer Invoiced $26,000
Day 2-3 (or sooner) 95% Advance to Your Company $24,700
3% Factoring Fee $    780
Day 30-60-90-? Customer Pays in Full
% Reserve to Your Company
$  520

*Your factoring rate could be as low as 1%!

Request more information about vineyard and winery financing using invoice factoring:

Benefits of Factoring for Vineyard and Winery Financing

Speeding up cash flow to reinvest in growth more quickly is the most common reason wine wholesalers and wineries use invoice factoring. The faster a vintner or winery can replenish inventory or expand production, the faster they can grow.

Expediting cash flow is only one of the benefits for wineries that factor invoices instead of waiting on customer payments.  Speeding up cash flow using wineries factoring can help your organization by:

  • Enabling you to extend generous terms to buyers as a competitive advantage, without constricting cash flow
  • Making faster investments in growth initiatives
  • Improving your ability to meet payroll and operational expenses
  • Freeing up working capital to take advantage of supplier discounts
  • Providing the working capital needed to expand production in order to add new customers or fulfill bigger customer orders

How Vineyard and Winery Factoring Expedites Cash Flow

Wineries factoring (also known as receivables factoring or invoice factoring) is a cash flow management tool that speeds up cash flow for vintners, wineries and other wholesale wine manufacturers and distributors.

When a winery or vintner factors invoices, they can access up to 95% (or more) of the face value of an invoice within 1-2 days of when the invoice is created for a small fee, called a factoring fee, which could be as low as 1% of the invoice amount.

Invoice factoring is commonly used by organizations that manufacture, produce or distribute goods that are sold to re-sellers on payments terms. Factoring enables wineries, vintners and wine distributors to reinvest the working capital that might otherwise be tied up for weeks – or months – in customer invoices immediately, without waiting for buyers to pay.

Get a free, no-obligation quote for invoice factoring – even if you’re already factoring invoices, we would be happy to provide you with a free quote to compare against your current agreement.