Benefits of Factoring Staffing

Whether you have considered the benefits of working with staffing factoring companies previously, you are already factoring staffing invoices or you are looking for ways to speed up agency cash flow, we would be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation quote.

We offer staffing factoring services that can be tailored to your agency’s preferences and financial needs, which magnifies the benefits of factoring staffing and temp invoices even more. With details like:

  • Fees as low as 1%
  • Fast funding – as little as 1 business day
  • High advance rates with low holdbacks
  • No upfront fees
  • No long-term contracts
  • No factoring minimums -you choose which invoices to factor
  • No add-on or hidden fees
  • No application or due diligence fees
  • Financing without taking on debt
  • Friendly, professional customer service

Getting a factoring proposal is easy and completely free. We can usually provide a quote for staffing factoring services in 24-48 hours (or even faster). Within just a few days, you could be improving cash flow for your temp employment or staffing company, resolving cash flow challenges, and growing your business faster.

Sell Your Invoices for Cash Flow or Payroll Funding

Here’s how the factoring process works for staffing and temporary employment agencies:


Submit an inquiry, and we’ll work to find a funding solution that aligns with your agency’s preferences and goals.


Get answers within hours. You could go from approval to your first funding in hours!


Expedite cash flow as a payroll funding loan or as an agency cash flow management tool.

Stop chasing customer payments!

Factoring staffing and temporary employment agency invoices can lead to faster growth.

Expedite Cash Flow and Grow Faster Factoring Staffing and Temp Employment Invoices

Staffing and temp agency factoring services lead to faster growth. More so than in many other industries, firms such as temporary employment and staffing agencies must lay out a considerable amount of money long before associated revenues are realized.

For instance, long before customer payments come in, an agency may have already spent a significant amount of money on advertising and marketing activities necessary for attracting job listings and candidates, on pre-employment screenings, to fund payroll on successful placements, and in meeting agency overhead and operating expenses.

Employment agencies may find cash flow depleted to the point that growth stalls while they wait for clients to remit payment on open invoices.

Low or inadequate cash flow can slow agency growth with the result being an agency which might then be unable to take on new business, cannot pursue larger, potentially more profitable client accounts, and lacks the capital needed to quickly take advantage of emerging opportunities. This problem can be further exacerbated when strategic marketing decisions are made to extend longer payment terms to staffing and temporary employment clients as a competitive advantage.

Temp agency and staffing factoring companies offer a financial tool that can immediately speed up agency cash flow, by funding client invoices as soon as they are generated. Instead of waiting weeks – or even months – for clients to pay, employment agencies that factor receivables can receive same day funding on client invoices while still extending favorable terms to their clients.

Submit an Inquiry for More Information about Financing Options