
strategy desk sign sitting on business charts to reflect staffing marketing strategy

Attract Talent and Clients with the 4 W’s of Staffing Marketing

You might be familiar with the 4 P’s of Marketing (product, price, placement and promotion), but these four W’s of staffing agency marketing can help you grow even faster.

Is Your Staffing Agency Marketing Plan Creating Competitive Advantages?

With an economy humming along at virtually full employment, many hiring managers are turning to staffing agencies to help fill the talent gap. Fast growth rates in any industry tend to make them attractive for entrepreneurs and startups, which only means more competition for staffing agencies.

Traditional staffing marketing plans might be built around the 4 Ps of Marketing – product, pricing, placement and promotions. However, competing on these alone might not be enough for staffing agencies to create competitive advantages for their firms, let alone grow temporary placement services in light of an influx of new staffing and recruiting startups.

We came up with 4 Ws of staffing agency marketing that can breathe new life into your staffing marketing strategies and accelerate agency growth.

4 Ws of Staffing Marketing Plans that Foster Faster Agency Growth


For B2B companies like agencies that provide staffing, temporary employment, and recruiting services, whitepapers might provide a lot of bang for the buck. A survey of B2B marketing leaders in North America reported that whitepapers produced the most content marketing ROI.

Whitepapers and other types of content that can be downloaded do not just provide staffing marketers with an opportunity to talk about their brand or agency services.  They can also act as long-term lead-generating machines by driving the constant addition of new database contacts when some type of registration is required to download the content.  White papers might be especially effective for staffing agencies since content can be leveraged to generate leads by attracting either prospective clients or prospective new hires (talent).

Some of the types of content that can fulfill this dual-marketing role in helping to build both brand awareness and fuel a staffing agency’s email marketing database include:

  • whitepapers
  • industry reports
  • infographics
  • slideshows
  • videos
  • presentations
  • guides and how-to publications
  • case studies
  • ebooks


Like whitepapers, hosting webinars and podcasts can provide your staffing agency with an opportunity to introduce itself to new prospects or help candidates and employers who are exploring options for temporary employment services decide which staffing agency they would most like to work with.

And like whitepapers, since registration is required, temporary agency marketers also reap the benefits of adding to their email marketing database.  After the webinar has occurred, marketers should have a plan in place for contacting registrants with an offer that motivates them to take the next step.


Staffing agency-hosted workshops can be held in person at a physical location but may also be held as a virtual event.  Examples of workshops that might help attract more talent for potential placement include topics like resume writing, interviewing skills, leadership development, career advancement strategies, and so on.

Examples of workshops that can help an agency attract more potential temporary employers include topics such as current HR trends, ideas for new employee onboarding, conducting performance reviews, enhancing employee engagement, creating career paths for budding leaders, and more.


Both candidates and employers have multiple options for finding job openings or attracting top talent.  Ultimately, what will set a staffing agency apart is the unique wisdom that its ambassadors have to offer.

Recruiters and staffing placement specialists need to get in the habit of reaching out via email and social networks with their wisdom – tips and advice they can provide that can help employers or job candidates be more successful.

It should be noted that this is usually going to be in the form of non-promotional communications and networking rather than in selling activities. It might be as simple as sending an interesting article or piece of news by email to a potential employer that gives them competitive insight or alerts them to a new industry trend.

Agencies that realize the power of long-term email marketing that is non-promotional in nature stand to gain top-of-mind brand awareness with both candidates and employers so that when the need arises, they are the first to be contacted.


We offer staffing factoring services that expedite cash flow. With improved cash flow from invoice factoring, staffing agencies and temporary service firms can reinvest in their business more quickly in order to:

  • Take on new business more quickly
  • Expand advertising and marketing
  • Add new locations
  • Take on larger client accounts
  • Have money on hand to meet temp worker payroll and expenses
  • Offset opportunities lost due to slow-paying customers

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post-it note that states we are recruiting, for recruiting ideas article

3 Innovative Recruiting Ideas for Staffing Agencies

The recruiting and staffing landscape has never been more competitive. Agencies that want to land the best candidates need to stand out from the rest; these three innovative recruiting ideas for staffing agencies can help.

Innovative Recruiting Ideas for Staffing Agencies Can Set Your Services Apart

You aren’t likely to come across a job posting from a company or a staffing agency that says “ho-hum candidates wanted.” Without an innovative approach, however, your staffing agency runs the risk of looking just like all the rest, and that “rest” is growing quickly. The staffing industry grew by 4 percent in 2018. With the economy at full employment – and more job openings than jobs – the recruiting competition for staffing agencies in 2019 is tougher than ever before.

You might be concerned that your agency will have to spend a lot of money on advertising or gimmicks in order to become more successful at attracting top candidates. However, these innovative recruiting ideas for staffing agencies can help set your services apart, and they don’t have to break the bank to deliver a big return on investment.

3 Low-Cost Innovative Recruiting Ideas for Staffing Agencies and Recruiters

1. The Power of a Voice

Today’s technology makes it easy for everyone to see information all the time, but at the same time makes swiping information and updates away or deleting information from an inbox equally easy and immediate. Within seconds, people decide whether to read an update, comment or click on an image. Sites like LinkedIn make it possible for prospective candidates to find and connect with company and agency recruiters instantly; indeed, it’s not uncommon to see updates about position openings throughout the news feed on LinkedIn and other social platforms.

All of these voices have power, especially when updates come from people a prospective candidate knows personally, or when a “real employee” lends their voice to the recruiting effort by sharing a job post or positive reviews about what it’s like to work for their employer.

When information comes from a reputable voice a candidate will be more likely to click on the content, which then takes them to a company’s job posting or career site. The power of a voice – a real employee’s esteem for the organization they call home, can play a critical role in helping to engage and attract top talent to impact the future of the company.

2. The Impact of Personal Stories

For every job opening there is an employer, title, description and salary. While all of these can get the attention of talented candidates, it’s the culture of the organization, the growth opportunities for an employee, the neighborhoods where they might live or work, and the added perks that make life a little bit sweeter that truly engage.

Many companies recognize this is an advantage to gaining top talent, and so seek to engage candidates using short funny or inspirational videos in order to give prospective hires a peek behind the curtain. Although professional video production can be expensive, the cost to make your own short videos runs the gamut from free (using a cell phone, webcam or owned equipment) on up.

Amazon has released many videos that give candidates insights as what it’s like to be a part of the culture and what they to expect working at Amazon on a daily basis, such as this one titled What is it like to work at Amazon: Go Beyond the Badge with Janna.

This video was published in May of 2015 and since then has garnered more than 18,000 views. Another Amazon example is a video that talks about Seattle, where the company is headquartered, focusing on the e-commerce giant’s relocation package and why Seattle is a great place to live.

3. The Prove It Test

A “prove it test” is any type of test a recruiter might use to determine whether an applicant has the skills needed to succeed in a given role. When you combine the idea of a prove it test with a personal challenge, you create intrigue that can motivate ambitious, talented candidates to take action. Think of this as one of the few times “if you build it, they will come” might actually work.

In one example, when Google was recruiting engineers they put up billboards that simply had a white background with an algorithm listed. Those who responded on their website with the correct equation and then succeeded in additional problem solving online were then redirected to a final recruiting page. Giving proof to the message displayed to those who reached the final recruiting page that “One thing we learned while building Google is that it’s easier to find what you’re looking for if it comes looking for you,”

Google has continued to use unconventional recruiting techniques in order to attract the uniquely talented employees they are looking for. In another instance, the MGM hotel in Vegas put together their own version of the reality show Iron Chef to test the mettle of applicants for a top chef job at one of their best restaurants (MGM and Iron Chef Contest).


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