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14900 Interurban Avenue S., Ste 271-107
Seattle, WA  98168-4654

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Articles and Resources

Employee Engagement on Mechanism of Golden Gears with Lens Flare. 3D Render.

4 Ways to Invest in Employee Engagement Strategies and Grow Your Business

If you genuinely believe employees are your organization’s…
August 22/by Elizabeth
Top Provider words in 3d letters and stars in a golden trophy, prize or award for best doctor, medical care practitioner or insurance company

How Invoice Factoring Adds Value

August 12/by Elizabeth
Laptop screen announcing new product idea with a light bulb icon

Launching a New Product or Service? Do These 7 Things First

When you're launching a new product or service, answer these…
August 4/by Elizabeth
shopping cart with a blackboard, yellow letters say "factoring" with safety cones and sign

What is Non-Recourse Factoring?

When an organization is considering expediting its cash flow…
July 28/by Elizabeth
post-it note that states we are recruiting, for recruiting ideas article

3 Innovative Recruiting Ideas for Staffing Agencies

The recruiting and staffing landscape has never been more competitive.…
July 28/by Elizabeth
Handwriting text writing Find The Right People. Conceptual photo look for a Competent demonstrating Hire appropriate Staff White pc keyboard with empty note paper above white background key copy space

Staffing All the Way to the Bank – 5 Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency

Hiring costs for even an entry-level employee might be several…
July 28/by Elizabeth
The words "hidden costs" burned into wood

The Hidden Costs of Invoice Factoring

Six hidden costs of invoice factoring could make factoring invoices…
July 26/by Elizabeth
The words "think big" written in white on a black chalkboard background

6 Small Business Factoring Benefits

If your small business invoices its customers using accounts…
June 10/by Elizabeth
What's Your Super Power words in 3d letters on a gold shield to illustrate mighty force, special ability or capability to get a job done

5 Small Business Superpowers

It’s not always about growing to the next level. Some of the…
June 7/by Elizabeth
blue oval with white word "new" in script

6 Reasons for a New Receivables Factoring Agreement

As your business changes and grows, its financing needs will…
May 2/by Elizabeth
goldfish jumping from a lightbulb fishbowl to a round fishbowl for business turnaround stratgy

Business Turnaround Strategy and Invoice Factoring Go Hand in Hand

The top priority in most business turnaround strategies is to…
March 30/by Elizabeth
the words "cash flow" in 3D white letters with green outline on white background

Beyond Price and Profit – How Slow Cash Flow Can Hurt You

Profitable businesses can still be poor ones. Slow cash flow…
January 10/by Elizabeth
grow your profits check mark sign concept illustration design graphic

5 Ways to Make Your Business More Profitable by Factoring Invoices

Few businesses can say they don’t want improved cash flow.…
January 10/by Elizabeth
business growth signs

7 Signs Point to a Real Need for Business Growth

Complacency is a trickster; don't fall for it. These seven signs…
January 10/by Elizabeth